1·When all of the data is on the table, offer a resolution.
2·The resolution is to ensure that a partitioning key is defined for the table before a load takes place.
其解决方案就是确保在加载表之前,为该表定义一个分区键(partitioning key)。
3·All translate to almost the same physical size as the font size of 16px at 1024x758. If your screen resolution is not in the table, use this equation to find out what font size you should use.
4·The following table, the "best-fit" VNC profile choice for each display resolution, shows the "name" (identifier) for a resolution and the corresponding display size in pixels.
5·The following table gives the size of minibin for each datatype with a combination of resolution and number of fragments.
6·The converters could apparently also be used for optical manipulation of atom-sized objects, inexpensive ultra-high resolution microscopic imaging, and possibly even table-top particle accelerators.
7·Although Iran ignored this resolution, the severity of this round of sanctions seems to have taken the regime by surprise and may have encouraged its return to the table.
8·The working table has a simple structure, high resolution of displacement, and can achieve two-way motion.
9·With the increase of video exhibit table image sensor resolution, the technology of real-time display movement image is becoming the kernel research task of product.
10·On the basis of the above resolution, the paper constructs user-role mapping table and role authorization table.